3E - Life - Where's the Beneficiary?

Do you have pending claims that you revisit periodically to ensure you made reasonable effort in locating the beneficiary? Do you ever wonder if you’ve done your due diligence? If the answer is yes, then this workshop on unclaimed property by Anny Duval and Paul Marquez is not to be missed.  
Anny will cover the applicable laws in several provinces, Section 72.1 of the Insurers Act in Quebec, and BC’s requirement to undertake reasonable effort to locate policyholders. Paulwill give you tips in locating beneficiaries/policyholders. He’ll also share success stories in locating persons who may not be an active part of society, have a new identity, or have moved to a foreign location

Moderator: Yolla Fadlallah

Anny Duval - CLHIA
Paul Marquez - Diligence International Group, LLC
Date & Time
Thursday, June 13, 2024, 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM