Overview of the Harmonized Approach to Total Cost Reporting (TCR)


In this session, industry experts and regulators will guide you through the entire TCR process. We'll start with what regulators expect, delve into operational framework expectations from industry leaders, and conclude with specific implementation requirements for seg funds.


Session sponsor and opening remarks: Nick Petruccelli, Executive Director, Business Development, CIBC Mellon


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Steve Braugiroux Associate Vice President - National Bank of Canada
Jocelyn Courcelles Vice President Client Relations & Business Development - Fundata Canada
Tim Miflin Senior Manager, Market Conduct Insurance Policy - FSRA
Ronald C. Landry Vice President, Head of Asset Manager and ETF Solutions - CIBC Mellon
James Stares Director, Head of Solutions and Services - FundSERV Inc.
Date & Time
Tuesday, November 5, 2024, 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM