Meet our guest speaker
As a long-time stand up comedian, Judy Croon is used to being in the spotlight. Judy Croon is the creator and host of “Laughlines” and “Stand Up for The Girls” which have raised over $650,000 for breast cancer research. Croon is a also a Second City stand-up coach, radio host and co-author of the book ‘From the Stage to the Page: Life Lessons from Four Funny Ladies!’
She is passionate to help individuals and organizations use humour to their advantage. Croon’s presentations focus on dealing with difficult people and relieving stress through humour. “Laughter is a powerful tool for managing conflict and reducing tension when emotions are running high,” Croon says. Her presentations show the scientific proof on how when we laugh our bodies release endorphins and dopamine, our brain’s feel-good chemicals. The result? We can better cope with stress, have stronger mental health, boost our immune systems. and lighten our moods. The Toronto-based comedian, motivational speaker and humour coach says being able to laugh at yourself is instrumental to surviving difficult times.
On the stage, she draws from her performance experience, wit, and insight to entertain, inform and inspire in her dynamic keynotes and half day workshops. Judy Croon uses the powerful tool of comedy to get her message across but she also helps others get their message across by improving their pitch and presentation skills. Croon can be heard everyday at 5pm on LTD Radio – The Power of Positive. Judy Croon has been the opening act for many celebrities including; Joan Rivers, John Stewart,Lewis Black and Robert Klein. Her specials have appeared on NBC, CBS, CTV and The Comedy Network.
When she’s off stage, she devotes most of her time to shining the light on people and causes that often get overlooked. Croon gives hours of charity work to many organizations which ranges from weekly deliveries of basic supplies to families living in need, to hosting comedy benefit gala shows that raise money for aid organizations around the city. Judy Croon is passionate to help others with their health, relationships and their lives. Her presentations are high energy, full of humour, and offer audiences practical insights that they can use right after the presentation.