Download the event app
Access conference information such as the agenda, speaker bios, sponsor information, a list of attendees, and more.
Search for “CLHIA Events” in Google Play or the App Store or use these links:
Google Play download for Android
How to use the CLHIA Event app powered by Event Mobi™
1. Tap the CLHIA Event icon on your device
2. Choose CLHIA Wealth & Retirement Annual Conference from the list of events
3. Sign in using the email address you used to register and pay for the event and follow the instructions for creating or resetting your password.
If you’ve attended any of our past virtual events, enter the password you remember for your Event Mobi account
We recommend downloading and testing the app now before you arrive at the conference.
This user guide will help you familiarize yourself with some of the app’s features.
Can’t access the event app?
Visit in a browser.
Follow the login instructions noted above to continue.
The app is designed to be a mobile-first solution and using a mobile device will give you the best experience.
The CLHIA Events team is here to help. If you are unable to access the event app let us know at