
11:30 AM - 11:40 AM
Opening Remarks from Your Conference Co-Chair

Mary Moffett, Chief Compliance Officer Canada, Swiss Reinsurance Company

11:40 AM - 12:00 PM
Tone at The Top


Hear from one of our industry leaders on topical issues including return to office, lasting impact of the pandemic on our business, and the financial and health implications following the pandemic. 

Alexis Gerbeau
, Head of Manuvie Quebec and Head of Finance, Individual Insurance, Canada 

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Update from the Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators

Join us for the annual update from our inter-jurisdictional association of insurance regulators on their priorities and current initiatives. 

Robert A. Bradley, Superintendent of Insurance, Financial and Consumer Services Division, Department of Justice & Public Safety, PEI 

12:30 PM - 1:00 PM
OLHI Update


OLHI will provide an overview of their ongoing work in 2022.  This will include information about their approach to communications. 

Glenn O’Farrell, Chief Executive Officer and Ombudsman, OmbudService for Life and Health 
Stéphanie Robillard, Acting Senior Deputy Ombudsman, OmbudService for Life and Health 
Tim Wilson, Head, Public Education and Strategic Planning, OmbudService for Life and Health 

1:00 PM - 1:15 PM
Refreshment Break and Sponsor Exhibit Area Open
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM
Regulatory Perspectives from Across Canada

It’s time to hear from our panel of insurance superintendents. Our panelists will discuss their regulatory priorities, perspectives on current issues in life and health insurance and where they see our industry headed in the future. 

Angela Mazerolle, Superintendent of Pensions and Insurance, Financial and Consumer Services Commission, FCNB 
Chris Carter, VP and Deputy Superintendent, Market Conduct, BC Financial Services Authority (BCFSA)
Louise Gauthier, Directrice principale, Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) 

Jill McCutcheon, Partner, Torys 

2:15 PM - 2:45 PM
New Regulations and Bills and how they come to be

Legislation and regulations have a material impact on all of us.  How do these originate?  How do they come into force?  And what does this mean for the insurance industry?  Join our panelist, a lawyer with deep experience in the political process, to learn more about how regulations that affect all of us come into being. 

Hartley Lefton, Partner, McCarthy Tétrault LLP  

2:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Refreshment Break and Sponsor Exhibit Area Open
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Chief Compliance Officers Panel


A panel of insurance industry chief compliance will discuss their key priorities and challenges. Discussion will include the evolving role of the CCO and CRO in compliance issues, and also post-COVID issues. 

Matthew Onyeaju
, Vice President & Chief Compliance Officer, Sun Life of Canada
Mylène Sabourin, Directrice principale Conformité Gestion de patrimoine et Assurances, Desjardins
Richard Hogeveen, Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer Canada, Manulife  

Nancy Carroll,
Partner, McCarthy Tétrault 

4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Privacy Update

Hear about the latest developments on the topic of privacy.

Marie-Eve Jean
, Associate, McMillan

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Insuring the DeFi Generation

In this session we will take a look at new ways that wealth is being generated through cryptocurrency, activities in the crypto space that make it difficult to discern potential customers that align with risk appetite, and new tools and resources that enable traditional financial institutions to assess risk and offer products to this new innovation-embracing generation.

Jeff Bryan
, Director, AML Compliance and Strategic Innovation, Manulife  

5:00 PM - 5:05 PM
Closing Remarks from Your Conference Co-Chair

Mary Moffett, Chief Compliance Officer Canada, Swiss Reinsurance Company

11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
Réseautage en français/Networking in French

Arrivez tôt pour revoir des collègues et reprendre de leurs nouvelles, et discuter en français de sujets se rapportant au Québec. 

Arrive early to catch up with colleagues and discuss topics related to Quebec in French. 

Nous aurons deux invités spéciaux, Marie Élaine Farley, présidente et chef de la direction, et Christian Faubert, Vice-président administration, de la Chambre de la sécurité financière. Ils nous présenteront les projets en cours au sein de la CSF :

1.    Il y a environ un an, la CSF a obtenu les commentaires des membres de l’ACCAP sur ses processus d’enquête et de plainte et sur la coordination de ses efforts avec l’Autorité. La CSF a entrepris une révision majeure de ses structures et processus :
a)    Quelles améliorations la CSF a-t-elle l’intention d’apporter?
b)    Quel est l’état d’avancement des travaux au sein de la CSF et quel est le calendrier de livraison?
c)    Où en sont les travaux visant à mieux coordonner ses interventions auprès de l’Autorité?

2.    La CSF a entamé un chantier visant la création d’une plateforme en ligne permettant aux compagnies d’assurance de suivre les UFC de leurs représentants, ils vont tout nous dire à ce sujet.

Special guests Marie-Élaine Farley, President and CEO, and Christian Faubert, Vice-President Administration, of the Chambre de la sécurité financière will provide an update on CSF’s projects:

1.    About a year ago, the CSF obtained feedback from CLHIA members about its investigation and complaint processes and the coordination of its efforts with the AMF. The CSF has undertaken a major review of its structures and processes:
a)    What improvements does the CSF intend to make?
b)    What is the status of the work within the CSF and what is the delivery schedule?
c)    What is the status of work to better coordinate its interventions with the AMF?

2.    CSF has a project for an online platform allowing insurance firms to follow the PDUs of their representatives, they will tell us all about it.

Moderators : 
Michéle Helie,
Directrice, Affaires québécoises, et Politiques et réglementation des marchés, Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA)
Jean Lamy, Ombudsman, Manulife 
Pierre-Alexandre Archer, Legal Counsel, Industrial Alliance

12:00 PM - 12:05 PM
Opening Remarks from Your Conference Co-Chair

Pierre-Alexandre Archer, Legal Counsel, Industrial Alliance 

12:05 PM - 12:40 PM
Trends in Complaints and Dispute Resolution

This session will examine the changing regulatory landscape.  In doing so, the panel will provide an overview of different regulatory initiatives. It will also discuss challenges and trends in complaints management across the industry as it adapts to a dynamic marketplace. 

Valerie Howes
, Assistant Vice President, Special Investigations & Consumer Complaints, Foresters 
Nathalie Barbosa, Director, Client Advocacy, Sun Life 

Valerie Robb
, Initiatives Manager & Ombudsman, Empire Life 

12:40 PM - 1:10 PM
CLHIA Priorities

CLHIA’s President will speak about current industry priorities. 

Stephen Frank
, President and Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA) 

1:10 PM - 2:10 PM
Compliance Talent: Defining the compliance officer of the future

This session will examine the evolution of a compliance officer‘s role, digital and analytical skills, and complex regulatory demands shaping the role of the compliance officer of the future. 

Jane Birnie
, Head of Compliance Shared Services, Manulife 
Norm Leblond, VP, Chief Underwriter & Claims Risk Officer, Sun Life
Mary Moffett, Chief Compliance Officer Canada, Swiss Reinsurance Company 

Meaghan Obee Tower,
Partner, Stikeman Elliott LLP 

2:10 PM - 2:25 PM
Refreshment Break and Sponsor Exhibit Area Open
2:25 PM - 3:25 PM
Equitable Access to Mentorship and Sponsorship

As organizations strive for increased equity, diversity and inclusion, learn about the importance of equitable access to mentorship and sponsorship for organizational resiliency. 

Mairi Stewart, Head, Legal Operations and Strategic Initiatives, Stikeman Elliott LLP
Natasha Bhimji, Director, Student Programs, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Stikeman Elliott LLP

3:25 PM - 3:40 PM
Refreshment Break and Sponsor Exhibit Area Open
3:40 PM - 3:50 PM
Election of Executives of Compliance and Consumer Complaints
3:50 PM - 4:35 PM
Provincial Insurance Councils Panel Oversight Models

Oversight models  
We’ve put together a panel of the heads of Canada’s provincial Insurance Councils to discuss their views on hot topics in the industry including technological advancement, market conduct, oversight frameworks and the evolving role of MGAs. Hear what the latest developments are and what to expect looking forward. 

April Stadnek
, Executive Director, Insurance Councils of Saskatchewan  
Janet Sinclair, Chief Executive Officer, Insurance Council of British Columbia 
Joanne Abram, Chief Executive Officer, Alberta Insurance Council  

Dylan Friedmann, Vice President, Chief Client Officer, APEXA

4:35 PM - 4:40 PM
Closing Remarks from Your Conference Co-Chairs

Pierre-Alexandre Archer, Legal Counsel, Industrial Alliance 
Mary Moffett, Chief Compliance Officer Canada, Swiss Reinsurance Company