Meet our guest speakers

Unstoppable Tracy 

Opening Keynote

Wednesday, June 12

Be inspired and leave determined as Unstoppable Tracy will move and motivate the audience with her extraordinary personal story, as a 4-way amputee and her lim(b)itless success.   @unstoppabletracy

Oprah Magazine shared her story as Quest for the Gold World Cup Sailor sailing against able bodied men. Now in 2023 a #1 International Award-Winning Business Leader & Mega Speaker with stars like Jane Fonda and Dr. Phil in over 40+ countries, on multiple TedXs, a TV and Podcast HOST, #1 Bestselling Author, whose forward is written by Cup of Chicken Soup for the Soul , and Canada’s Hall of Fame inductee who has over 100 million viral video views, BEd, and MBA. Oh, and... she was the 1st four-way amputee to climb the Himalaya Mountains, sail, scuba dive and Bronze medalist alpine skier. Clearly our expert on Disarming Limiting Beliefs.

Dr. Elyssa Del Valle 

Special plenary guest speaker

Thursday, June 13

Hear Elyssa Del Valle M.D., Chief Medical Officer Americas, Life & Health Products, Swiss Re  speak about the “Age of Reversal of DM and Cirrhosis”.

Elyssa joined Swiss Re in January 2020 representing Swiss Re across the industry to interact with clients' underwriting and medical leadership and overseeing the medical training and development of the L&H underwriting team.

Prior to joining Swiss Re, Elyssa was VP Medical Director for RGA's US Mortality Markets Division. In 2013 she transitioned into the life insurance market as Medical Director for MetLife, ending a 30-year career in medicine, which included private practice, hospice, geriatrics and emergency medicine as well as teaching at University of Connecticut School of Medicine and Quinnipiac University's athletic training and physician assistant programs.

Elyssa received her Doctor of Medicine (MD) from the Medical College of Ohio and BA from Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio. She enjoys tennis, playing recreationally and competitively on USTA. She loves opera, musical theater and travel.

Jesse Hirsh

Closing keynote

Friday, June 14

Futurist & Digital Strategist will dive deep into the benefits and perils of emerging technology, and the impact it has on every sector and industry. Hear Jesse dive deep into The Future of Innovation, Authority, and the Rise of Artificial Intelligence 

Jesse Hirsh is a futurist farmer who brings an outsider's perspective and literal critical distance, operating from his farm in rural Eastern Ontario. Yet this is no ordinary farm. Wired up with high speed fiber optic Internet, the Academy of the Impossible engages in a wide range of research regarding agriculture, media, technology, and culture.

He has a Masters degree from Toronto Metropolitan University in algorithmic media, and his current work focuses on the rise of automated media, as well as the governance and ethics of artificial intelligence, data protection, and privacy.

Jesse is also a co-founder of the Eco Punks, a trans-disciplinary agency that analyzes the ecosystems and communities that our clients operate in, helping us identify opportunities resulting from, as well as responses to the ever-changing challenges that are imposed on us by an increasingly unpredictable and unstable reality.

Jesse has an infectious energy that lifts spirits and enables creative critical thinking. He’s always learning, sharing, and helping others to do the same.